Classwork / Homework


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2/12 Make ups and final marks.

25/11 Last date to hand in Homework and Classwork corrections. Reception of marks.

18/11 (HOLIDAY) TEST: (via email) send a video of yourself and a classmate teaching the group about a topic of your interest. Topics: your favourite gadgets, series, films or books / an anecdote at school. Focus: RAISE AWARENESS (if possible).
2 minutes minimum - 5 minutes maximum. 

11/11 - "Structure of a presentation" copy.

4/11 - TEST: Reading / Writing in class (anecdote in the form of an informal email). / p. 90

HW 4/11: "Structure of a presentation" copy.

CW 4/11: p. 89 ex 6.

CW 28/10 - p. 87 ex 5 in writing. HW: Study writing and literary terms for test.

CW 28/10 - "Mere Suggestion" 5

HW 28/10 - Cuadernillo "Present Continuous" pp. 7 and 8

HW 21/10 - "Men Are Different" 7

CW 21/10  - p70 ex 6 (review all page and Writing Skills Builders to do this exercise)

HW 7/10 - "Men Are Different" points 2, 3, 4 and 5

HW 7/10 - Cuadernillo "like / would like" - "ed / ing"

CW 23/09 - "Mere Suggestion" points 1 to 4

HW 23/09 - Correct "Little Brother" and Two Kafka Stories

Some students MUST do the Revision Material from the first term and MUST go to CERLE at least once. You can see this in the Excel above.


August 12th: HW: SB p. 65 ex 8 and 11

August 12th: CW: SB p. 67 ex 9

July 15th: HW: Little Brother

July 15th: HW: Language Choice 52

July 15th: CW: SB p. 65 ex 7

July 1st: HW: "Two short stories" questionnaires (copy shop)

July 1st: CW: SB pg 66 ex 5 in writing

June 24th: CW: Error Correction Photocopy

June 24th: HW: Correct your test (present with original)

If you had to do the make up: Go to CERLE once or twice to get help to work on the Revision Material I sent you during the first term. Material available here and at the copy shop.


May 20th: poem in class (from "Who are we?" skeleton)

April 29th Assignment: Write 6 obligations, 3 permissions and 6 prohibitions from the school rules documents.

April 29th CW: page 68, ex 5, 6 and 7.

April 22nd: Language Choice exercise 54 (from before, Lg Choice 49)

April 15th: Form the questions, interview your partner and write their answers. / p. 63 exercise 3 about you in writing. Bring copies (extra)

April 8th: Poem "Who are we?" first part (to be continued)
